13 July 2011

PrayerWalk: Becoming a Woman of Prayer, Strength, and Discipline-Janet Holm McHenry

Prayerwalking Basics
“By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.” (Proverbs 11:11)
Prayerwalking or “praying on site with insight” is about intercession. Those who practice it believe that God answers prayer and that prayer is one of the most powerful tools of evangelism that God has given us. Those who have participated in prayerwalks can share some incredible stories of how God moved before, during, and after their prayerwalks. God honors prayer because it focuses on Him and not on us. Prayerwalking is not a program, a process, nor a prayer event. It is intercession that transforms the intercessor and his/her praying. Let me encourage you to begin where you are.

God is at work. Prayerwalking is just another way of joining Him in what He is doing. It is praying that enlightens and educates us so that we may intercede with internationality and a heart for the people of our target area. The primary reason for Prayerwalking is God. We are being obedient to His command to pray for one another. 

McHenry has written an inspiring and helpful guide to the practice of prayerwalking.  If you have a difficult time finding the time and/or inspiration for deep personal prayer I absolutely suggest that you try prayerwalking.  McHenry has wrtten a thorough guide that will guide you on a path that you will not regret having chosen.  I have been prayerwalking for the last year and I can say that it has born fruit that sustains me. Prayerwalking has opened my eyes and heart to the will of God.

McHenry's book should be a quick read that will (hopefully) get you up on your feet and walking with God and for God.  If you are unaccustomed to prayer or are not sure how to pray or what to pray McHeny also guides you in that direction as well.  Not only will you find yourself becoming more physically fit you will find that spiritually you will be stronger and stronger in your faith with each step.  

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review


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