29 July 2011

ESV Study Bible

I just received this Bible and to be quite frank it's scope and resources are impressive (and a little overwhelming).  If you are looking for something along this line in a Bible look I suggest you give it a look.


The ESV Study Bible includes 20,000 notes, written specifically for the ESV Study Bible. These notes focus especially on understanding the meaning of the text, giving answers to frequently raised questions, and providing theological, historical, and archaeological background—all for the purpose of helping readers to understand the Bible in a deeper way.
The ESV Study Bible also provides a wealth of additional resources. The introductions to each book include essential information about the author, date, and place of writing; an extensive chart of key themes; a summary of how the book fits in with the rest of the biblical storyline; a description of literary features; an outline of the book; and a large full-color map showing the setting of the book.
Another unique feature is the inclusion of over 50 helpful articles on topics such as the authority and truthfulness of the Bible, reading the Bible for application, the Bible in worship and prayer, the reliability of the biblical manuscripts, the relationship between archaeology and the Bible, an overview of biblical theology, and many more.
Other key resources include a system of over 80,000 cross references and an extensive concordance (which together facilitate easy location of important words and biblical themes). In addition, over 200 color charts, located throughout the Bible, provide clear, concise presentations of essential information.

Full-Color Illustrations and Maps


Forty all-new illustrations were created specifically for the ESV Study Bible and are printed at key locations throughout the Bible. These include full-color renderings and architectural diagrams of important biblical structures, cities, and objects, shown in precise, accurate detail. The unique dimensional drawings were researched by leading archaeologists and have been beautifully rendered by architectural illustrators. The result is a series of exceptional illustrations—including the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, Solomon’s temple and Herod’s temple, and the city of Jerusalem throughout the history of Israel and during the time of Jesus—illustrations that bring fresh insight and in-depth understanding regarding the significance of these biblical sites and structures for ancient Israel, first-century Christians, and for believers today.
Likewise, more than 200 all new full-color maps were created specifically for the ESV Study Bible. Using the latest satellite imagery, digital technology, and cartography techniques, the maps are based on extensive research and the most recent biblical archaeology scholarship. With the Study Bible maps printed in full color and placed throughout the Bible, the events, people, and places of the Bible come to life in a fresh and compelling way.

Free ESV Online Study Bible


The ESV Study Bible is available in print form and online—and the online edition is available free to all who purchase a copy of the print edition. The ESV Online Study Bible provides additional unique features, including the ability to create personal online notes; to search and follow interactive links between notes, maps, articles, charts, timelines, illustrations, and cross-references; to listen to audio recordings of the ESV; and to access additional resources not available in the print edition—all available for free with the print edition.
Access to the ESV Online Study Bible may also be purchased separately from the print edition.

*I had difficulty accessing the online edition with my code that came with the Bible.  Just thought I'd pass that along.


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