13 July 2011

Am I Really a Christian?-By Mike McKinley


About Am I Really a Christian?

Jesus divided the world into two groups—those who follow him and those who don’t. But what happens when someone thinks he or she is a Christian, but isn’t? With his witty, engaging style, Mike McKinley takes readers on a journey of what it means to be a Christian. He asserts that “manipulative evangelism techniques and a poor understanding of the gospel have resulted in an abundance of professing Christians who have no idea what it means to follow Christ.” 
Each chapter title begins with “You’re not a Christian [if/when/just because you]…” As he surveys what it means to be Christian, McKinley offers criteria for evaluating one’s standing before God. Readers are guided through a series of challenges to reflect, repent, remember, and report to another person. Am I Really a Christian? ends with chapters on salvation and the local church. This unique book is written for nominal or new Christians and can be used in personal or small-group study.
What an amazing book for new believers, "casual" Christians looking to ratchet up their faith and I might add many people who would count themselves as having a strong and abiding faith in God.  It is a book that has the possibility of making the reader a little bit uncomfortable.  You may just find yourself wondering how deep your walk with the lord really is.  Have you faltered without even realizing it? McKinley writes from his heart in an engaging and friendly tone.  He openly admits that to write such a book could invite criticism on alot of fronts. For example, McKinley addresses the often tossed about "once saved, always saved" catch-phrase and the concept of "losing" salvation when a Christian doesn't persevere in his faith.  I applaud him for tackling this task.  Many will benefit.  This is simply an essential read that is packed with (and backed by) solid scripture.

Find out more about the book here.

About the author:

MIKE MCKINLEY received his MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary and is the author of several articles and reviews. He served on the pastoral staff of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC, and in 2005 was called to revitalize Guilford Baptist Church in Sterling, Virginia.

Praise for Am I Really A Christian? :

“This is a truly important book in the most urgent sense—a book that serves the cause of Christ by raising the most important question human beings face, and helping to answer it, no less. I am thankful to McKinley for his faithfulness and for the pastoral concern that prompted him to write such an important work.”
-R. Albert Mohler Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“There can be no more important question than ‘Am I really a Christian?’ and Mike McKinley helps us answer it with great skill. He manages to challenge nominal Christians while comforting genuine believers. McKinley’s writing is accessible, engaging, and simple without ever being simplistic. I particularly appreciate the way he encourages us to explore this crucial question in the context of a Christian community. If you’re not sure where you stand before God, or you know someone who’s not sure, then this is the book for you.”
-Tim Chester, Director, The Porterbrook Institute; author, You Can Change and A Meal With Jesus

Buy the Book HERE.

NOTE: I requested and received a copy of this title via NetGalley.com but made no commitment to review it.


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