02 February 2011

Soul Print-Mark Batterson

“Soul Print” written by Mark Batterson is yet another Christian self-help book, though notably one that puts God firmly in the center rather than the self. In this aspect it is a book that I find could be most helpful for anyone seeking direction...anyone searching for the path that God intends for them to be on. It is so easy for us to become lost in the jumble of our daily lives that we forget entirely that we were created to be so much more. We were created in God's image to be creative and magnificent people...to do meaningful and fulfilling work for our creator. Why then do we spend the bulk of our lives looking for 'the perfect mate', working at jobs to buy yet another 'thing', struggling to just breathe in a world that seems to be moving at ever faster speeds? Is this hustle and bustle, go and do, glorifying to God?

Mark Batterson's book will have you asking yourself, “What was it that God called me to be?”. Because the answer to that question you already know. You've probably just forgotten. This book is not a quick fix...it won't answer any of your big questions. Neither will it magically define your destiny. It will, however, guide you down a path of self discovery that is simply enlightening. Mr. Batterson writes in a clear and engaging tone that is at once friendly and informative. I found myself really enjoying this book and yes, it has helped me rediscover who God intended for me to be. Thank you Mark Batterson for this invaluable, wonderful book.

“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.


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